

Abreuvoirs are a feature of the Guernsey rural landscape as places where livestock could be brought to drink with water from springs or douits. Usually of granite construction, some were built by the parish and many display names of Constables and Douzeniers of the time.

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Centre of the Island Stone

This ancient Centre of the Island Stone, located in the roadway of Route de Saint-André, was the marker for the centre of the mainland of Guernsey prior to the reclamation of the Braye du Valle in Napoleonic times. Consequently this joined the former small island of Clos du Valle to Guernsey and effectively moved the centre of the Island.



St Andrews Church

St. Andrew's Church in Guernsey, a historic landmark, boasts exquisite Gothic architecture. A tranquil sanctuary, it welcomes visitors with serene ambiance and rich cultural significance.


The Little Chapel

The Little Chapel, Les Vauxbelets, is one of the most visited attractions in Guernsey and is largely the creation of Brother Deodat Antoine who arrived in Guernsey in 1913.



National Trust

The picturesque The Ron Short Walk, in the Talbot Valley and Le Petit Pré, a nearby meadow with a pond, are two of the National Trust properties that can be enjoyed within St Andrews.



Fortifications & Museums

St Andrews is home to the Channel Islands largest WW2 Structure. The German Underground Hospital is open to the public, with a small museum and over 75,000 square feet of tunnels to explore.


The Last Post

The parish pub. Family orientated Pub, Brasserie & Tea Room. Serving food daily, patio garden and parking.


Fief Seat

Le Fief de la Rue Frairie seat, located in Rue des Buttes.  Its purpose is in dispute as there is no record of a meeting of le Fief de la Rue Frairie at this location. However the consensus is that it is in fact a Fief Seat.


Les Niaux Mill

Although the mill at les Niaux is just outside the Parish, by only a few feet, this piece of Island history has been included in our pages for general interest because the mill stream, the flume and the small abreuvoir opposite the mill, are all within the Parish of St Andrew.


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